Increase views on your videos on YouTube with the right competitor analysis

7 days
25 competitor channels

Service Features

Recommended Topics

It's all about taking and shooting. Our algorithms will find top topics in your niche that are currently performing well or have performed well over the last 30 days. "Recommended videos" are your go-to resource. Don't know what topic to make your next video about? WW will guide you.

Competitor Channel Selection

No time for selecting competitors? No problem, our algorithm will find similar channels and suggest adding them to your monitoring list.

Video and Channel Comparison

Conveniently compare competitor videos or channels based on clear parameters. You can compare performance within the first few hours or up to 30 days after release. Now you'll know which videos are likely to trend in the near future.

Telegram Bot

Connect our bot and receive notifications on Telegram as soon as new recommended videos appear.

Tracking Video Changes

Stay informed about what your competitors are doing. Track changes in video thumbnails, test titles, description updates, and tag usage. Compare the before and after.

Niche Competitor Analysis

Stop spending hours manually collecting statistics on your competitors, which become outdated faster than you can finish your report. Delegate this to our system, simply add competitor channels from your niche, and you'll have detailed analytics in minutes.

Clear Metrics

Instantly calculate the most popular metrics. View count dynamics, share of views, engagement, and more. We'll create rankings and show you what content is currently at the top.

Data Collection 24/7

Continuous monitoring and data collection from your competitors' channels 24/7. No need to constantly check what your competitors have posted. It's all in one place.

How to Get Started

Who Will Benefit

Channel Owners

"Don't shoot sparrows with a cannon." With WW, you'll start selecting topics for your new videos more effectively and gain professional insight, which is crucial, especially for new YouTube creators.

Channel Managers

Save hundreds of hours analyzing your channel's competitors on YouTube. Establish systematic work with your creators and clients based on clear numbers and proper analytics. Don't rely on guesswork and intuition; rely on data and facts.

Advertising Agencies

Plan your client's advertising budget more effectively, allocate budgets among genuinely effective YouTube channels. WiseWatcher = Properly Selected Channels = High Conversions = Satisfied Clients = Increased Profit for You

A Service From YouTubers and For YouTubers

Denis Konovalov
Co-Founder of WiseWatcher, 10 years of experience on YouTube, certified YouTube specialist
" WiseWatcher was born as a tool primarily to address our internal need for video and channel analysis for our creators. But over time, we realized that the service has potential and should not remain an in-house development. So, those who already use WW in their channel work have a clear advantage over other creators. "
Evgeniy Pivovarenko
Co-Founder of WiseWatcher, 7 years of experience on YouTube
" The main ideas we had in mind when developing WiseWatcher were to provide a clear competitor analysis tool and quickly and easily select working topics for new videos. We reduced the routine, leaving more time for creativity and creating quality YouTube content for our users. "

Observe. Analyze. Act.

Observed videos 24/7
Observed channels
Created topics


25€ for 30 days
Up to 25 concurrently observed channels
Limit: Add no more than 75 channels during the tariff period
Telegram bot that notifies about new hot topics
Affiliate program with a 10% bonus on payments
40€ for 30 days
Up to 50 concurrently observed channels
Access to Shorts analytics
Increased limit for adding up to 150 new channels during the plan period
Telegram bot that notifies about new hot topics
Affiliate program with a 10% bonus on payments
72€ for 30 days
Up to 100 concurrently observed channels
Increased limit for adding up to 300 new channels during the plan period
Access to Shorts analytics
Telegram bot that notifies about new hot topics
Affiliate program with a 10% bonus on payments
7 days
25 competitor channels